Juju C


The Sweetest Ass in Vegas


Juju C Cummings is a Las Vegas-based burlesque performer and model with a passion for bringing glamour and diversity to the stage. She’s been captivating audiences since 2017. Find her at you favorite local bar, on the Vegas Strip or online of course.

Cowboy Boogie

Shot by Jason Bucklin

Photo by Workhorse Photography

Photo by Grinkie Photography


art is a collaboration between imagination and skill. performance art is taking that collaboration and putting it in motion.

When I create art I am hoping to evoke emotion out of my audience whether it be joy, rage, passion. I want my audience to feel deeply while I’m on stage


Burlesque & Cabaret


Hosting & Production

DEI & the Arts Education

“I do what I want to do”

Melvin Van Peebles • Actor & Filmmaker

Juju C Cummings

Juju C Cummings